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Positive Content Creators

By completing this curriculum, participants will have the skills and knowledge to develop a successful social media marketing and management business that emphasizes positive content creation and community building.

Positive Content Creators
create self expression through social media content

Why is social media Content Creation Important?

1. Cyberbullying: Social media has made it easier for bullies to target their victims and harass them online. Cyberbullying can lead to feelings of helplessness, depression, and anxiety, which can sometimes escalate to violent behavior.
2. Gang Activity: Social media can also be used as a tool for gangs to organize and plan violent crimes. Gang members can use social media to recruit new members, coordinate attacks on rival gangs, and intimidate their enemies.
3. Exposure to Violence: Young people who spend a lot of time on social media may be exposed to violent content, including images and videos of fights, shootings, and other criminal activities. This exposure can desensitize them to violence and make them more likely to engage in violent behavior.
4. Misinformation and Rumors: Social media can spread rumors and misinformation quickly, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts that escalate into violence.
5. Online Gaming: Online gaming communities can also contribute to violent behavior among young people. Some games glorify violence, and some players may become aggressive or violent when they lose a game or feel disrespected by other players.

Solutions to Mitigate Negative Social Media Behavior

1. Digital Citizenship Discussions: Facilitate group discussions about responsible digital citizenship. Discuss topics such as privacy, safety, cyberbullying, and online reputation. Encourage participants to share their experiences and perspectives and offer suggestions for safe and responsible social media use.
2. Social Media Policy Creation: Work together as a group to create a social media policy that outlines the dos and don'ts of social media use. Encourage group members to share their ideas and perspectives on what should be included in the policy.
3. Positive Online Communities: Encourage participants to create positive online communities that promote respect and kindness. Have the group brainstorm ways to use social media to promote positive change, such as starting a social media campaign for a good cause or spreading positive messages online.
4. Empathy-Building Activities: Engage the group in empathy-building activities that help them understand different perspectives and develop compassion. These activities can include role-playing scenarios, group discussions, and team-building exercises.
5. Media Literacy Lessons: Teach the group media literacy skills that help them identify and evaluate credible sources of information online. This can include lessons on how to fact-check information, avoid clickbait, and identify bias in news articles.

Content Marketing and Managing Business 101

1. Introduction to Social Media Marketing: Overview of social media marketing, including its benefits and potential risks.
2. Social Media Strategy: Developing a social media strategy that aligns with the company's brand, goals, and target audience. This includes creating a content calendar, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), and setting a budget.
3. Content Creation: Developing engaging, creative, and positive social media content that resonates with the target audience. This includes creating original content, sourcing user-generated content (UGC), and curating content from other sources.
4. Visual Design: Creating visual content that is aesthetically appealing, on-brand, and optimized for social media platforms. This includes creating graphics, videos, and animations.
5. Copywriting: Writing compelling and persuasive copy that captures the audience's attention and drives engagement. This includes writing headlines, captions, and calls to action (CTAs).
6. Community Management: Engaging with the audience, building relationships, and fostering a positive online community. This includes responding to comments and messages, monitoring brand mentions, and managing social media crises.
7. Analytics and Reporting: Tracking and analyzing social media performance, identifying areas for improvement, and reporting results to the client. This includes using social media analytics tools, generating reports, and making data-driven recommendations.
8. Ethics and Social Responsibility: Discussing ethical considerations in social media marketing, including issues of privacy, transparency, and social responsibility. This includes developing strategies for ethical social media use and managing potential risks.
9. Social Media Advertising: Introducing social media advertising as a way to reach a wider audience and increase engagement. This includes creating and managing social media ads, targeting specific demographics, and measuring the effectiveness of ads.
10.Final Project: Applying the skills and knowledge gained in the course to create a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a client.

Program Outcomes

By completing this curriculum, participants will have the skills and knowledge to develop a successful social media marketing and management business that emphasizes positive content creation and community building.

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